影视大全网为您收集免费的最新恐怖片大全第三方在线播放信息。这部最新非常好看的“血色狂怒”,将会于1987 年,在美国正式上线,它是由导演:约翰·格雷斯默参与制作的,有著名的露易丝·拉塞尔,马克·索珀,Julie Gordon,珍妮·班德森,Marianne Kanter,James Farrell,Chad Montgomery,Lisa Randall,William Fuller,Douglas Weiser,Gerry Lou,艾德·弗伦奇,Dana Drescher,布拉德·利兰,Rebecca Thorp等演员一起参加演出,目前在网上颇有热度,值得一看。这部<<血色狂怒>>影视主要讲述:Todd and Terry are twins. They are blonde, cute, bright and identical in every respect, with one exception. One of them is a murderer. This starts one night at a drive-in theater when a teenager was slaughtered in the back seat of his car while his girlfriend watched. Todd is found guilty for the...本站还有很多其它和这部<<血色狂怒>>一样精彩好看的最新电影可以在线观看,请记住我们的网站:【www.chatgpt45.com】影视大全网会尽快的更新与这部<<血色狂怒>>影视相关的更多内容资讯,还请期待!